It looked as if the Gene Hughes Track Meet would be a wet one and a couple of coaches were actually thinking the meet would be canceled because of the rain. But the clouds cleared over Corvallis and the 14-team field opened their season with a bang, or rather the starter’s gun. Corvallis took off where they left off last May; winning both the boys’ and girls’ team scoring.
Corvallis has about 90 athletes out for track this year according to coach Spencer Huls. With so many athletes, it takes a dedicated group of assistant coaches and volunteers to make sure all athletes are reaching their personal goals and bests. There are also several experienced athletes who lead by example. The combination makes for a powerful team that should have success all year.
The Corvallis boys picked up wins in the 3,200 (Chase Stoker) and the 1600 relay (Tanner Palin, Emmett Stoker, Beau Maus and Colby Henderson) in the running events. Stoker also tied for first in the long jump. Brandon Butt won the javelin for the Devils. In the girls’ events, the Blue Devils swept the distance events with Hanna Smith winning the 800, Ayden Eickhoff taking the 1,600 and Isabella Pape winning the 3,200. Lakyn Connors won the 100 hurdles and ran the leadoff in the 400 relay, which Corvallis won. Joining Connors in the 400 relay were Jessica Lewis, Hanna Smith, and Sadi Henderson. Connors, Smith and Henderson were joined by Eickhoff in the 1,600 and they won that race as well. Lewis won the high jump and Aspen Evans took the pole vault.
Hamilton doesn’t have the numbers that Corvallis does but coach John Stromberg is excited about his young Bronc team. “We’re really young but willing to learn,” he said. Seth Ray won the javelin with a throw of 172-9 for Hamilton. On the girls’ team, Meghan Kratofil won the discus (115-0) and the shot put (35-7).
Stevensville picked up four wins for the boys’ team. Josh Lords won the 100, 200 and the long jump (21-2.5). Freshman Jesse Sims took the shot put with a throw of 45-10. With only five girls on the team, the Yellowjackets will have a tough time scoring much for the team scoring. However Molly Brewer, a senior, has been to state a couple of times in the high jump, and finished second at state last year in that event. She tied for second in that event at Saturday’s meet.
There were several individual standouts in the day. Darby’s Doug Raymer ran away from the field in the 800 and the 1,600. He has dominated the distance races and looks to be the one to beat this spring too. Freshman Hannah Porch of Florence popped off a 35-9.5 effort in the triple jump, a measurement that is usually seen towards the end of the season. Victor’s Kyle Ball won the boys’ triple jump with an effort of 42-11.
Team scores – Corvallis 125, Charlo 98.16, Stevensville 86.33, Hamilton 73.16, Ronan 55, Florence 47, Victor 37, Darby 35, Arlee 27.5, Loyola Sacred Heart 26, Drummond 20, Seeley-Swan 13, Deer Lodge 11.
100 – 1. Josh Lords, Ste, 11.76; 6. Wes Porter, Ste, 12.04.
200 – 1. Josh Lords, Ste, 23.95; 2. Brady Blomquist, Flo, 24.10; 3. Dylan Reynolds, Flo, 24.28.
400 – 1. Darius Pool, Dru, 53.50; 2. Brady Blomquist, Flo, 53.84; 5. Matt Turley, Ham, 55.26; 6. Jadin Casey, Ste, 55.31.
800 – 1. Doug Raymer, Dar, 1:57.1; 2. Colby Henderson, Cor, 2:01.5; 3. Jeremy Campbell, Dar, 2:07.7; 6. Colin Robinson, Ham, 2:11.4.
1,600 – 1. Doug Raymer, Dar, 4:36.6; 2. Chase Stoker, Cor, 4:45.9; 3. Easton Albert, Ham, 4:48.4; 4. Anthony Schmalz, Ham, 4:50.3; 5. Jake Purlee, Cor, 4:56.2;
3,200 – 1. Chase Stoker, Cor, 10:20.4; 2. Easton Albert, Ham, 10:27.8; 3. Anthony Schmalz, Ham, 10:32.4; 4. Morly Jessop, Cor, 10:42.1; 6. Denny Hoselton, Ham, 11:16.7.
110 hurdles – 1. Stephen Delaney, Cha, 15.09; 4. Raymond Jessop, Cor, 16.75; 5. Lance Adra, Cor, 17.03; 6. Jadin Casey, Ste, 17.22.
300 hurdles – 1. Stephen Delaney, Cha, 40.24; 2. Dylan Reynolds, Flo, 42.12; 5. Kris Cleveland, Ham, 45.90.
400 relay – 1. Charlo, 45.46; 2. Arlee, 45.86; 3. Corvallis, 45.96; 4. Florence, 46.43; 5. Ronan, 47.08; 6. Darby, 47.21.
1,600 relay – 1. Corvallis (Tanner Palin, Emmett Stoker, Beau Maus, Colby Henderson), 3:36.5; 2. Charlo, 3:41.0; 3. Hamilton, 3:41.8; 4. Florence, 3:42.1; 5. Seeley-Swan, 3:47.0; 6. Stevensville, 3:57.1.
Shot put – 1. Jesse Sims, Ste, 45-10; 2. Jimmy Henderson, Cor, 44-2; 4. Aaron Gilder, Cor, 41-1.50.
Discus – 1. Branden Butt, Cor, 155-1; 2. Jimmy Henderson, Cor, 138-1; 3. Colton Johnston, Dar, 136-11; 4. Seth Ray, Ham, 134-4; 5. Jesse Sims, Ste, 129-9; 6. Kurt Manely, Vic, 120-1.
Javelin – 1. Seth Ray, Ham, 172-9; 2. Kyle Ball, Vic, 170-5; 3. Kurt Manely, Vic, 169-5; 4. Raymond Jessop, Cor, 165-0; 5. Tyler Olson, Cor, 158-3; 6. Josh Lords, Ste, 154-1.
Long jump – 1. Josh Lords, Ste, 21-2.50; 3. Zac Agee, Vic, 19-10.25; 4. Josh Haynes, Ste, 19-8.75; 5. Carson Stevens, Ste, 19-5.50.
Triple jump – 1. Kyle Ball, Vic, 42-11; 3. Josh Haynes, Ste, 41-10.25; 4. Raymond Jessop, Cor, 41-1.50; 6. Stuart Landis, Cor, 40-10.
High jump – 1. (tie) Jalen Bell, Ron, Logan Thomas, DL, Josh Haynes, Ste, 5-10; 4. Emmett Stoker, Cor, 5-8; 5. (tie) Chris Lords, Ste, Kris Cleveland, Ham, Webb O’Neill, Arl, Oliver Kultgen, Ste, Stephen Delaney, Cha, Marcus Hungerford, Ron, 5-6.
Pole vault – 1.Webb O’Neill, Arl, 12-6; 2. Abe Westfall, Ham, 11-6; 4. (tie) Morley Jessop, Tyler Berner, Cor, Shelby Grant, Ron, Connor Benn, Ron, 9-0.
Team scores – Corvallis 132.5, Hamilton 110.5, Charlo 99, Loyola Sacred Heart 70, Florence 61, Ronan 40.5, Seeley-Swan 40, Arlee 35.5, Drummond 17, Victor 16, Stevensville 10.5, Deer Lodge 7, Darby 2.
100 – 1. Tawnie Kerr, LSH, 13.09; 2. Sadi Henderson, Cor, 13.22; 3. Tess Porch, Flo, 13.24; 4. Hannah Porch, Flo, 13.34.
200 – 1. Tawnie Kerr, LSH, 27.23; 2. Tess Porch, Flo, 27.80; 3. Hannah Porch, Flo, 28.19; 5. Hannah Sax, Flo, 29.35.
400 – 1. Madison Foust, Cha, 1:07.59; 2. Marina McGourty, Ham, 1:08.79; 3. Tess Gallagher-Clancy, Ham, 1:08.86; 4. Jaylee Albert, Ham, 1:08.97.
800 – 1. Hanna Smith, Cor, 2:31.10; 4. Jaylee Albert, Ham, 2:40.9; 5. Sarah DelRae, Ham, 2:46.0; 6. Kaitlin Stromberg, Ham, 2:48.90.
1,600 – 1. Ayden Eickhoff, Cor, 5:19.04; 4. Tess Gallagher-Clancy, Ham, 6:05.60; 6. Sara Amish, Ham, 6:07.20.
3,200 – 1. Isabella Pape, Cor, 12:25.20; 2. Sara Amish, Ham, 13:22.80; 3. Jenny Smith, Ham, 13:44.20.
100 hurdles – 1. Lakyn Connors, Cor, 15.67; 3. Shailyn Scheffer, Vic, 17.37;
300 hurdles – 1. Summit Parcell, SS, 50.77; 4. Hannah Sax, Flo, 54.24; 6. Kylie Kinnaman, Flo, 56.35.
400 relay – 1. Corvallis (Lakyn Connors, Jessica Lewis, Hanna Smith, Sadi Henderson), 51.52; 2. Charlo, 53.07; 3. Florence, 54.04; 4. Loyola, 54.47; 5. Seeley-Swan, 56.17; 6. Hamilton, 56.56.
1,600 relay – 1. Corvallis (Lakyn Connors, Hanna Smith, Ayden Eickhoff, Sadi Henderson), 4:19.10; 2. Loyola, 4:28.0; 3. Charlo, 4:30.9; 4. Hamilton, 4:37.9; 5. Florence, 4:40.8; 6. Seeley-Swan, 4:46.6.
Shot put – 1. Meghan Kratofil, Ham, 35-7; 3. (tie) Aspen Meidinger, Arl, and Jessica Lewis, Cor, 32-10; 6. Carlyjean Conley, Vic, 31-8.
Discus – 1. Meghan Kratofil, Ham, 115-0; 2. Carlie Jessop, Cor, 109-1; 3. Courtney Albright, Cor, 100-6.
Javelin – 1. Dawn Blevins, Cha, 120-8; 3. Molly Brewer, Ste, 100-5; 5. Breann Luedecke, Cor, 96-4; 6. Kathryn Briggs, Cor, 92-8.
Long jump – 1. Kaile Sauro, LSH, 15-6.25; 3. Lakyn Connors, Cor, 14-9.50; 4. Shailyn Scheffer, Vic, 14-7.75;.
Triple jump – 1. Hannah Porch, Flo, 35-9.50; 3. Lakyn Connors, Cor, 33-2.75; 4. Sami Kratofil, Ham, 31-3.
High jump – 1. Jessica Lewis, Cor, 5-2; 2. (tie) Rachel Hoyt, Cha, Summit Parcell, SS, Molly Brewer, Ste, Holly Beary, SS, 4-10.
Pole vault – 1. Aspen Evans, Cor, 9-3; 2. (tie) Jordan Ludeman, Cha, and Camie Westfall, Ham, 8-0; 4. Kaitlynn Frost, Cor, 6-6.