In the past nine months I have attended at least 17 meetings of the Ravalli County Commissioners. These meetings have covered all sorts of topics – the Flatiron subdivision, the Ravalli County airport, the layoff of county employees, the elimination of the Juvenile Detention Center, cuts to the Health Department, wolves, etc. At these meetings Commissioner Stoltz seemed almost comatose and seemed actually to fall asleep at times. I have never heard him say anything except ”I agree with Matt” or ”I abstain because I don’t know enough about the subject”.
Much to my surprise, at last Friday’s meeting for the termination of the current Road and Bridge supervisor, he took a very active role all day long. I did not observe him yawning or dosing off a single time. He even initiated all but one of the motions I heard. What changed him from seeming complete disinterest in his job as a county commissioner to such an active participant? Might he have a personal interest in a new job?
Virginia M. Bolen