Dear Editor,
The 7th Annual Wildlife Weed Roundup on 6/25 was a huge success! Forty people pulled about 2,200 pounds of houndstongue at Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge. This is the most ever – more than 600 pounds over our previous high. Each puller identified their bags with a name, and when tallied, the one who pulled the most pounds got to have first pick of the door prizes. Cole (the 5 year-old with big friends) tallied 212 pounds and was excited when he got to pick his favorite prize – a butterfly net. The hungry crew shared lunch then picked door prizes.
A big thank you goes out to all who donated toward this fun and effective event to help improve wildlife habitat on the Refuge: Hamilton IGA, Sam’s Spade, Kelliane Morris, Melissa Maggio (Ravalli Co. Weed District), and Kim Pennington. And thank you to all weed pullers – see you next year!
Deborah Goslin
Lee Metcalf NWR