Dear Editor,
A very successful Sell-a-rama was held in Darby on June 11, the second Saturday. A special thanks goes out to Jeri Austin, Realty 2000 and Creative Memories Consultant, for all her efforts in making the Sell-a-rama a great success. 41 sales were held, including yard sales, farmers market sales, flea market sales, merchant sales and a Darby Library fundraiser.
The town was alive. Successful sales were taking place all over town. The bargain hunters were thrilled to find furniture, appliances, antiques, tools, a wood splitter, rototiller, chain saw, electronics, clothing, house wares, crafts, sporting goods, tack, pet items, quilting stuff and much more.
Maps were printed that indicated the location of 41 sales. And besides one brief sprinkle, the weather stayed clear. According to Jerry Dicken, owner of the Mountain Spirit Inn, the SVCG members polled were pleased with the terrific attendance.
Jeri Austin and Adele Dicken are the yard sale and merchant sale recruiters for the Sell-A-Rama to take place on Saturday, August 13. That’s right, we’re doing it again. The first Sell-A-Rama was so successful, two will be held in 2011.
For more information, call Jeri Austin at Realty 2000, 381-4000, or Adele Dicken at Mountain Spirit Inn, 821-3405.
The South Valley Civic Group (SVCG) is a an organization of business owners and community leaders from Conner, Darby, East Fork, Sula, West Fork and Charlos Heights, located in Ravalli County in southwestern Montana. The mission of the SVCG is to be a positive force in developing and maintaining a thriving and prosperous community.
The goals of the SVCG are to mobilize South (Bitterroot) Valley business owners to capitalize on events already scheduled; improve communication between the group; promote and advance the marketing of the South Valley; make the South Valley a destination; take action and make improvements to our community; and be a positive force in developing and maintaining a thriving and prosperous community. By achieving our goals, we hope to boost the economy; attract businesses and services needed in the South Valley; and improve the bottom line of each and every business.
Al Milton
mike stark says
Very nice letter, Al. The upper (southern) end of the Bitterroot certainly is one of the very best places in America to live and to raise children.