Have an event you would like to add? Click here.

The Bitterroot Star online calendar is only for community events that are free and events that would be fundraisers for local non-profit organizations.

When submitting an event, be sure to include date(s), time, venue (location), and organizer information. Your event will not be published if any of this information is missing. We review all events before we post them. This may take up to 2 business days.

Wolverine and Lynx: Montana’s Rare and Elusive Carnivores

Bedford Building Hamilton MT. 2nd and Bedford, Hamilton

Come join us for a fascinating presentation by independent researchers Kalon Baughan and Bret Davis on these two iconic species.  Learn about their natural history, a unique study approach, and challenges to their survival.  Dramatic photos will be shared.  Sponsored by:  Friends of the Bitterroot, WildEarth Guardians, Selway Bitterroot Frank Church Foundation, Bitterroot Audubon Society, […]


Film Sagebrush Gold and panel discussion on proposed Sheep Creek mine

Hamilton City Hall 223 S 2nd St, Hamilton, MT, United States

View the acclaimed film Sagebrush Gold about how a lithium mine affected a community in Nevada. Then, take part in a lively discussion with an expert panel about the proposed Sheep Creek exploration and mining at the the headwaters of the Bitterroot. Short film, Sagebrush Gold: A lithium mine being built in Nevada's remote sagebrush […]


Return of the Grizzly film premier

Rocky Mountain Grange 1436 S. 1st Street, Hamilton, MT, United States

This powerful 37-minute documentary follows the path and challenges of the “explorer bear,” the pioneering young male grizzlies that come from small, isolated core populations. The grizzly bear needs to explore and pioneer new habitats to spread its gene pool, and its long journeys are increasingly driven–and hemmed in–by the ravages of climate change. Music […]
