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The Bitterroot Star online calendar is only for community events that are free and events that would be fundraisers for local non-profit organizations.
When submitting an event, be sure to include date(s), time, venue (location), and organizer information. Your event will not be published if any of this information is missing. We review all events before we post them. This may take up to 2 business days.
The Stevensville Historical Museum’s Annual Rummage Sale will be held during Stevensville Western Heritage Days, June 25 & 26 from 8 to 5 on Friday and 8 to 3 on Saturday. The rummage sale will be held at the Stevensville Museum’s lawn at 517 Main St., Stevensville. Donations of clean used rummage-sale items are needed for this fundraiser, so please consider cleaning out your closets and storage spaces to look for items to donate. Donated items can be delivered to the Stevensville Museum on Wednesday and Thursday, June 23 & 24 from 11:00 to 5:30. To make other arrangements for the donation of rummage sale items please call 550-3672 or 777-5126. This fund-raiser is an easy way to support the Stevensville Historical Museum in their effort to preserve and protect the local history.