On Saturday, June 19 at 11 a.m. Chris Weatherly, historic preservation specialist, will talk about the restoration and preservation work he has accomplished at Historic St. Mary’s Mission over the last 20 years. He will feature each historic building on site.
Chris is a professional in his field and is the ‘keeper’ of the log buildings that date back to 1862.
Chris was involved with extensive historic restoration at Monticello in Charlottesville, VA before moving to Montana. His preservation expertise includes contracts with MT Fish Wildlife and Parks from Virginia City to Chief Plenty Coup’s house in Pryor. He did interior and exterior restoration on a homestead cabin outside of Dillon for the Bureau of Land Management. Many historic features in Western Montana have benefited from his passion for history and the dedicated skills of Chris Weatherly.
Celebrate “Montana’s First Best Place.” St. Mary’s Village was settled 48 years before Statehood!!! This year Historic St. Mary’s Mission in Stevensville celebrates 180 years since the founding in 1841. To recognize this significant anniversary in Montana’s history we are hosting the Saturday Series. You will hear more in-depth history of early Montana; facts and information not included on a tour.
Location: 315 Charlos Street, Stevensville ~ 406-777-5734 ~ No reservations needed. Dress for the weather, bring a lawn chair if needed.
Historic St. Mary’s Mission is open Tuesday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. for guided tours.