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The Bitterroot Star online calendar is only for community events that are free and events that would be fundraisers for local non-profit organizations.
When submitting an event, be sure to include date(s), time, venue (location), and organizer information. Your event will not be published if any of this information is missing. We review all events before we post them. This may take up to 2 business days.
Bitterroot Health Hospital, located at 1200 Westwood Drive, Hamilton, will host an ALL NEW AARP Driver Safety Program on Friday, March 28 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. This new safe driving course is designed for drivers age 50 and over, all drivers are welcome. The new program features laws specific to Montana, Defensive Driving, Winter Driving and new Vehicle Technologies. There are no driving tests or written exams and, Montana mandates insurance discounts for qualified drivers. Issued certificates are good for three years. Class fees are $20.00 for AARP members; $25.00, for non-members. Class size is limited; pre-registration is advised. For class sign up call Hamilton Insurance at 406-363-6583. For further information call Thom Ainsworth, Instructor, at 369-0149.