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The Bitterroot Star online calendar is only for community events that are free and events that would be fundraisers for local non-profit organizations.
When submitting an event, be sure to include date(s), time, venue (location), and organizer information. Your event will not be published if any of this information is missing. We review all events before we post them. This may take up to 2 business days.
You’re already using Artificial Intelligence (AI). If you get directions from Google Maps, benefit (and sometimes suffer) from autocorrect, check the weather on your phone, or watch a show on Netflix, as examples, AI is a part of our daily lives and likely to become even more so. This program is a broad overview of AI. We’ll cover the basic concepts of AI and how it works, how the technology is currently being used, and the latest developments and direction AI is moving in. Zoom option available.