If you read the letter and analyze it, you must realize, Mr. Lawrence would be a good writer for the left-wing half-truth news media. If he is going to write about an army base with guns to defend themselves, he should also write that the only one with a gun was the so-called doctor/terrorist. The military men killed were not allowed to carry a weapon. Just like the cinema, church, UPS facility, hospital, and the school personnel, because it was not proper to have a weapon in a gun-free zone. At an “army base,” who would have imagined that soldiers were not allowed to be armed?
Mr. Lawrence would like for us to live without protection for 10 years as a trial, wouldn’t that be great. These gutless, deranged, idiots, shooting people from a hidden site, are in their glory when they know the individuals they are shooting at are unarmed. Those soldiers at the army base were in the same situation as the school kids being shot at. And teachers trying to protect them with no weapons, only their bodies to shield the kids from being shot.
The teachers who feel comfortable to carry should have that right.
Russ Koppes