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Women Only – Introduction to Defensive Handguns, a 2 day class, will be offered three times at the Whittecar Range in Hamilton. Class 1 will be March 22 and April 5, 2025. Class 2 will be May 24 and June 7, 2025. Class 3 will be August 23 and September 6 2025.
The first day is designed to assist you in choosing the right handgun for you. There will be discussions on handgun safety, basic operation of revolvers, semi-automatic handguns, and the cartridges used in each type of handgun.
Handguns will be provided so that you may handle the different types and models. Ammunition will also be provided for a live fire session on the range. A self defense book (specifically for women), will also be provided.
We will also address, in a general manner, the legal aspects of the use of deadly force.
There will be a lapse of two to three weeks in order to allow the student to purchase a firearm and become familiar with its operation for the conclusion of training on the second day. Students must provide their own ammunition for day two.
The second day will consist of live fire training. The emphasis will be on safe gun handling. All exercises will consist of basic defensive shooting drills and training techniques. We will discuss the different types of ammunition available and their uses.
We will conclude the discussion on the legal aspects of the use of deadly force.
Upon successful completion of the second day, this training will suffice as the required safety class for application to the state for a concealed carry permit.
The class is limited to 10 participants.
For an application or further information call Lee at 642-3590 or Jim at 360-8392 or write Box 159, Victor Mt 59875.